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平民新星─蘇珊鮑伊﹝Susan Boyle﹞

以前只有在教堂唱歌自娛娛人的蘇珊鮑伊,以一曲〈I dreamed a dream〉HIGH翻所有英國鄉民!也為自己開啟一直嚮往的明星之路,果然有夢最美~

蘇珊鮑伊﹝Susan Boyle﹞這個陌生的名字,突然在英國媒體、網路上頻頻出現,原本只是一個平凡又微胖的婦人,年紀也已近半百,卻因為《Britain's Got Talent》這個英國版《超級星光大道》節目變得家喻戶曉,初試啼聲就吸引上千萬觀眾的她,在比賽前並不被看好,甚至被一旁的觀眾、主持人以及評審以戲謔的眼光看待,因為她一上台就急忙和大家「分享」自己沒交過男友、也沒接吻過的過往,更「肖想」和音樂劇天后伊蓮佩姬﹝Elaine Paige﹞有一樣的成就。所有人都沒想到她的聲音竟然如此讓人感動,一曲《Les Miserables﹝悲慘世界﹞》中的〈I dreamed a dream〉讓現場觀眾陷入瘋狂,評審的下巴更是掉到地上…。

這首曲子雖然來自悲慘世界,但蘇珊唱的卻是慷慨激昂,也呼應她的夢想正要開始起步,連毒舌的製作人兼評審的Simon Cowell都在蘇珊演唱完之後,急忙改口說他早就知道蘇珊的表演將驚艷全場。

這節目從開播以來就捧紅了保羅帕茲﹝Paul Potts﹞和只有六歲但演唱實力卻相當超齡的小康妮﹝Connie﹞,而現在平凡到就像自己媽媽的蘇珊,聲音感動千萬英國佬,引來一堆媒體要採訪她,就連遠在美國的黛咪摩兒和老公艾希頓庫奇都被蘇珊的歌聲感動的眼淚幾乎奪眶而出,連忙在Twitter上和眾網友分享﹝沒錯,不久前黛咪也是靠Twitter「拯救」一名想自殺的少女﹞,且看蘇珊未來能不能一路過關斬將,說不定不久的將來還能看到她來台灣開大型演唱會,拭目以待吧!

PS1. 一曲爆紅的蘇珊擁有許多歌迷,還很有效率的幫她作了網站

PS2. 歌詞:
I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high

And life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid

And dreams were made and used and wasted

There was no ransom to be paid

No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night

With their voices soft as thunder

As they tear your hope apart

And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side

He filled my days with endless wonder

He took my childhood in his stride

But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me

That we will live the years together

But there are dreams that cannot be

And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living

So different now from what it seemed

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.


本期焦點-【v.215】 2009/04/17