- 出生地:
- 生 日:-
- 1995 - 怪房客 (港) New Tenant
- 1994 - 21紅色名單
- 1992 - 精靈變 Banana Spirit
- 1990 - 鬼咬鬼 Close Encounters of the Spooky Kind II
- 1990 - 夜魔先生 The nocturnal demon
- 1989 - 烈火街頭 Into the Fire (1989)
- 1988 - 富貴再逼人 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World 2
- 1988 - 雞同鴨講 Chicken and Duck Talk
- 1988 - 最佳女婿 Faithfully Yours
- 1986 - 霹靂大喇叭 Where's Officer Tuba?
- 1986 - 校園點將錄 Porky's Meatballs
- 1984 - 貓頭鷹與小飛象 The Owl Vs Bumbo