菲克特亞哥 Victor Argo
- 出生地:
- 生 日:-
- 2009 - 爆裂警官 Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
- 2001 - 奇案諜對諜 Double Whammy
- 2001 - 超感應頻率 Angel eyes
- 2000 - 驚爆地鐵 The Yards
- 2000 - Fast Food, Fast Women
- 1999 - 鬼狗殺手 Ghost dog
- 1998 - 綠寶機密 LuLu on The Bridge
- 1996 - 江湖白事 (美) The funeral(1996)
- 1995 - 煙 Smoke
- 1993 - 絕命大煞星 True Romance
- 1992 - 壞警官 Bad Lieutenant
- 1991 - 影與霧 Shadows and Fog
- 1990 - 紐約之王 King of New York
- 1989 - 美麗的偽證 Her Alibi
- 1986 - 魔鬼殺陣 Raw Deal
- 1984 - 墜入情網 Falling in Love(1984)
- 1976 - 計程車司機 Taxi Driver
- 1973 - 殘酷大街 Mean Streets