勞倫士卡斯丹 Lawrence Kasdan
- 2018 - 星際大戰外傳:韓索羅 Solo: A Star Wars Story
- 2015 - STAR WARS:原力覺醒 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- 2012 - 愛狗在心眼難開 Darling Companion
- 2003 - 捕夢網 Dreamcatcher
- 1999 - 冒牌醫生 Mumford
- 1995 - 情定巴黎 French Kiss
- 1994 - 執法捍將 Wyatt Earp
- 1992 - 終極保鑣 The Bodyguard (1992)
- 1991 - 大峽谷(1991) Grand Canyon(1991)
- 1990 - 我真的愛死你 I Love You to Death
- 1988 - 意外的旅客 The Accidental Tourist
- 1985 - 四大漢 Silverado
- 1983 - 大寒 (1983) The Big Chill
- 1983 - 星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻 Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
- 1983 - 大寒 (1983) The Big Chill
- 1981 - 體熱 Body Heat (1981)
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