綠色奇蹟 The Green Mile 影片介紹
電影音樂由Thomas Newman(湯瑪斯紐曼)擔綱製作,他的電影音樂作品有Fried Green Tomatoes《油炸綠蕃茄》、Phenomenon《第三類奇蹟》、The Horse Whisperer《輕聲細語》…等近50部,並以The Shawshank Redemption《刺激1995》、Little Women《新小婦人》、Unstrung Heroes《真愛赤子心》3度提名角逐Oscar Awards(奧斯卡獎)最佳電影原著音樂。在這張專輯裏,Thomas以南方小鎮風情為基調,用斑鳩琴、絃樂器、打擊樂器營造出濃密的鄉土情韻與純樸民風,將南方風土民情帶進舒緩柔和的管絃樂世界,呼應畫面的感傷或心碎,為一篇蘊藏著小品細膩風采的人文史詩。
曲 目 | 長度 | 作曲/演奏 | |
01 | Old Alabama | 0:59 | |
02 | Monstrous Big | 1:50 | |
03 | The Two Dead Girls | 3:02 | |
04 | The Mouse on the Mile | 1:30 | |
05 | Foolishment | 1:50 | |
06 | Billy-Be-Frigged | 2:08 | |
07 | Coffey's Hands | 1:58 | |
08 | Cheek to Cheek | 2:38 | Fred Astaire |
09 | Condemned Man | 1:34 | |
10 | Limp Noodle | 1:03 | |
11 | Scared of the Dark | 1:03 | |
12 | Wild Bill | 1:15 | |
13 | Cigar Box | 1:50 | |
14 | Circus Mouse | 1:29 | |
15 | The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix | 3:49 | |
16 | Boy's Eye | 0:55 | |
17 | Two Run-Throughs | 1:19 | |
18 | Red over Green | 2:58 | |
19 | I Can't Give You Anything But Love | 3:27 | Billie Holiday |
20 | That's the Deal | 1:37 | |
21 | L' Homme Mauvais | 2:21 | |
22 | An Offense to the Heart | 1:08 | |
23 | Morphine & Cola | 2:56 | |
24 | Night Journey | 2:12 | |
25 | Danger of Hell | 2:27 | |
26 | Done Tom Turkey | 1:00 | |
27 | Did You Ever See a Dream Walking? | 2:52 | Gene Austin |
28 | Trapingus Parish | 0:51 | |
29 | Boogeyman | 3:26 | |
30 | Shine My Knob | 0:54 | |
31 | Briar Ridge | 0:42 | |
32 | Coffey on the Mile | 5:12 | |
33 | Punishment | 1:52 | |
34 | Charmaine | 2:25 | Lombardo, Guy & His ... |
35 | Now Long Gone | 1:08 | |
36 | No Exceptions | 0:57 | |
37 | The Green Mile | 3:38 |